
Compositionality is open for submissions.

Compositionality describes and quantifies how complex things can be assembled out of simpler parts. Compositionality, the journal, is an open-access, arXiv-overlay journal for research using compositional ideas, most notably of a category-theoretic origin, in any discipline. Topics may concern foundational structures, an organizing principle, or a powerful tool. Example areas include but are not limited to: computation, logic, physics, chemistry, engineering, linguistics, and cognition.

Compositionality is free of cost for both readers and authors. You can find our editorial policies here. Our first issue was published, under ISSN 2631-4444, in December 2019.

To receive notifications of new papers by RSS, use this feed.


Compositionality is run by three boards, each distinct in personnel and powers.

Steering board

The Steering Board provides long-term guidance for the journal, selects editors, and holds ultimate decision power for all aspects of the journal.

Editorial board

The Editorial Board handles submissions and ensures our publications meet the high standards our community expects.

Coordinating editors:


Executive board

The Executive Board manages logistics, funding, administration, and publicity.


Compositionality is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in the United Kingdom. Our editorial and executive boards serve on a voluntary basis: the journal is made possible by the research institutions and universities who support these researchers.

Compositionality thanks charitable donations from Valeria de Paiva and from Ilyas Khan; Compositionality thanks technical from support EpiSciences, and previous technical support from the editors of the Quantum journal, Johannes Drever, Christian Gogolin, and the O-3PO plug-in contributors. Please contact the executive board if you are an individual or an organization wishing to donate or support the journal in any way.

Steering Committee Alums: Kathryn Hess (2017-2023). Editorial Board Alums: Jules Hedges (2017-2024). Executive Board Alums: Paweł Sobociński (2023-2024), Brendan Fong (2017-2023), Nina Otter (2017-2023), Joshua Tan (2017-2023).


If you are an author who has submitted a manuscript, please contact your handling editor. For all other matters, including publishing, legal, and the website, please contact the executive team at compositionality@episciences.org or compositionalityjournal@gmail.com.