An often used model for quantum theory is to associate to every physical system a C*-algebra. From a physical point of view it is unclear why operator algebras would form a good description of nature. In this paper, we find a set of physically meaningful assumptions such that any physical theory satisfying these assumptions must embed into the category of finite-dimensional C*-algebras. These assumptions were originally introduced in the setting of effectus theory, a categorical logical framework generalizing classical and quantum logic. As these assumptions have a physical interpretation, this motivates the usage of operator algebras as a model for quantum theory. In contrast to other reconstructions of quantum theory, we do not start with the framework of generalized probabilistic theories and instead use effect theories where no convex structure and no tensor product needs to be present. The lack of this structure in effectus theory has led to a different notion of pure maps. A map in an effectus is pure when it is a composition of a compression and a filter. These maps satisfy particular universal properties and respectively correspond to `forgetting' and `measuring' the validity of an effect. We define a pure effect theory (PET) to be an effect theory where the pure maps form a dagger-category and filters and compressions are adjoint. We show that any convex finite-dimensional PET must embed into the category of Euclidean Jordan algebras. Moreover, if the […]
Given a representation of a unital $C^*$-algebra $\mathcal{A}$ on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, together with a bounded linear map $V:\mathcal{K}\to\mathcal{H}$ from some other Hilbert space, one obtains a completely positive map on $\mathcal{A}$ via restriction using the adjoint action associated to $V$. We show this restriction forms a natural transformation from a functor of $C^*$-algebra representations to a functor of completely positive maps. We exhibit Stinespring's construction as a left adjoint of this restriction. Our Stinespring adjunction provides a universal property associated to minimal Stinespring dilations and morphisms of Stinespring dilations. We use these results to prove the purification postulate for all finite-dimensional $C^*$-algebras.
This note presents a presheaf theoretic approach to the construction of fuzzy sets, which builds on Barr's description of fuzzy sets as sheaves of monomorphisms on a locale. A presheaf-theoretic method is used to show that the category of fuzzy sets is complete and co-complete, and to present explicit descriptions of classical fuzzy sets that arise as limits and colimits. The Boolean localization construction for sheaves and presheaves on a locale L specializes to a theory of stalks if L approximates the structure of a closed interval in the real line. The system V(X) of Vietoris-Rips complexes for a data cloud X becomes both a simplicial fuzzy set and a simplicial sheaf in this general framework. This example is explicitly discussed in this paper, in stages.
Petri networks and network models are two frameworks for the compositional design of systems of interacting entities. Here we show how to combine them using the concept of a "catalyst": an entity that is neither destroyed nor created by any process it engages in. In a Petri net, a place is a catalyst if its in-degree equals its out-degree for every transition. We show how a Petri net with a chosen set of catalysts gives a network model. This network model maps any list of catalysts from the chosen set to the category whose morphisms are all the processes enabled by this list of catalysts. Applying the Grothendieck construction, we obtain a category fibered over the category whose objects are lists of catalysts. This category has as morphisms all processes enabled by some list of catalysts. While this category has a symmetric monoidal structure that describes doing processes in parallel, its fibers also have premonoidal structures that describe doing one process and then another while reusing the catalysts.